Sound Numerology


Chaldean numerology provides a rich and complex system for understanding the hidden vibrations and energies of names. Its emphasis on compound numbers and unique letter values offers a different perspective from other numerological systems, making it a valuable tool for those interested in exploring the mystical and spiritual aspects of numerology.

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Chaldean numerology is an ancient system of numerology that originated in Babylon (modern-day Iraq) and is considered more mystical and esoteric compared to the more widely known Pythagorean system. Here’s an in-depth look at Chaldean numerology:

### Basic Principles of Chaldean Numerology

1. Numerical Values for Letters
– Chaldean numerology uses a different set of values for letters, focusing on the vibration and energy of each letter.
– The Chaldean chart assigns numbers 1 to 8 to letters as follows (note that the number 9 is omitted because it is considered sacred and divine):
– A, I, J, Q, Y = 1
– B, K, R = 2
– C, G, L, S = 3
– D, M, T = 4
– E, H, N, X = 5
– U, V, W = 6
– O, Z = 7
– F, P = 8

2. Calculating Name Numbers
– In Chaldean numerology, the name used for calculation should be the name by which a person is commonly known (it may include a nickname).
– Each letter of the name is assigned its corresponding number, and the numbers are added together. The sum is often interpreted without reducing it to a single digit, unlike in Pythagorean numerology.

3. Compound Numbers
– Chaldean numerology places significant importance on compound (double-digit) numbers, known as compound or master numbers, as they carry specific meanings. The single-digit root number is also considered but in conjunction with the compound number.



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